As a Realtor, who visits several homes, when I see a local resident, I give them a wave, smile and friendly "hello". I'm pleased to say, that the greeting is always warmly returned to me. That is why, I would like to start a campaign for PORCH SWINGS.
A porch swing will introduce you to the neighborhood. Even though we all have busy lives and are constantly using our electronic gadgets, people still like to interact socially. Installing a porch swing is relatively easy, just a few screws and bolts, hang the swing, add some comfortable, colorful pillows and you're done!
A porch swing can be a 3 season room. You can enjoy reading, a beverage, watch a movie on your computer, or just relax and enjoy the outdoors. I guarantee, your neighbors will stop and say "hi". This is a great way to form community security. E-mail me your porch swing photos and I will BLOG them ;). ~Pam Pam.Devendorf@cbexchange.com (include your location.)
A great website for porch swings is: The Porch Swing Company


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