Spring has finally arrived! It took it's sweet time but now it's time to pack away those sweaters, cashmere, wool, corduroy, and bulky clothes. HOORAY!
However, if your closet is like mine, and only holds one seasons worth of clothes... get ready for the wardrobe switch. As soon as the temperatures hit the 70's, I have to dig and dig and dig for the short sleeves and shorts. This is a dreaded activity which I tend to put off due to the voluminous heaps of clothes. So, this year I approached my closet with a die hard attitude. I was going to purge my closet of any items which I had not worn within the past 2 or more years. Simplification was my goal. So last Saturday and Sunday, yes it turned out to be a 2 day process, I jumped into my closet and managed to lighten my wardrobe by donating 5 garbage bags filled to the top with neatly folded clothes. It was liberating! I have streamlined my morning by at least 10 minutes. I no longer have to sift thru clothes I did not wear, rather I go straight to my favorites.
Now it's your turn to be brave and donate your unwanted clothes. Good Luck! You will be happier with less clutter ;)
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